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nonexistent adj → nicht vorhanden; (Philos) → nicht existent; self-discipline is virtually non below → hier herrscht praktisch keine Disziplin

"Young man," resumed the archdeacon, "for the king's very last entry, there was a young gentleman, named Philippe de Comines, who wore embroidered on the housings of his horse this machine, on which I counsel you to meditate: Qui non laborat, non manducet ."

nonaccent is really a spoken accent that is neutral and undistinctive; nonacrocentric is acquiring the centromere around the center, and therefore getting about equal-sized arms; nonaccent is an unaccented conquer or syllable, as in songs or poetry

Used in the feeling of no or none, to point out lack of or failure to conduct; or within the feeling of not, to negate the meaning on the term to which it's prefixed.

nonsmoking adj → Nichtraucher-; non space or segment → Nichtraucherbereich m; We have now a non policy → bei uns herrscht Rauchverbot, bei uns darf nicht geraucht werden

a prefix indicating "not,'' freely used as an English formative, commonly with a straightforward unfavorable power as implying mere negation or absence of a thing (rather than the opposite or reverse of it, as typically expressed by un- one):nonadherence; nonpayment;nonprofessional.

nontechnical adj language and many others → fileür den Laien verständlich; issue → nichttechnisch, nicht technisch; here non people → technische Laien pl

noncontroversial adj → fileür alle annehmbar, nicht kontrovers; to be non → keinen Anlass zu Kontroversen bieten

nonsectarian adj → nichtkonfessionell, nicht konfessionell; assembly → nicht konfessionsgebunden

nonaboriginal is actually a one that is not really aboriginal, nonabrasive is usually a compound that's not abrasive, nonabstract will not be summary

This perspective has the advantage of providing the e-book a sensible spiritual purpose - a sine qua non to any principle of an early Christian writing.

indicating deficiency or absence, esp of an outstanding connected to precisely what is specified: nonobjective, nonevent

: nonconformism n → Nonkonformismus m; his social non → seine mangelnde Anpassung an die Gesellschaft; the non of his views → seine nonkonformistischen Ansichten

noncommittal adj → zurückhaltend; respond to also → unverbindlich; to get non about regardless of whether … → sich nicht festlegen, ob …; he’s so non → er legt sich nie fest

De moi, je ne say qu'en dire, d'autant que je ne veux affirmer ny le si ny le non en ce dont je n'ay vidence.

nonexecutive adj inside a non potential → ohne Entscheidungsbefugnis; non director → ˜ Aufsichtsratsmitglied nt (ohne Entscheidungsbefugnis)

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